Dreame L10s Pro in the test: great vacuum robot with only one flaw

Dreame L10s Pro in the test: great vacuum robot with only one flaw

The Dreame L10s Pro offers the same features as the large L10s Ultra, but costs just half as much with a recommended retail price of 599 euros. What is missing is the suction station, which removes dust from the robot and also fills it with fresh water. You can read in the NextPit test whether the Dreame L10s Pro is impressive even without the practical station. Dreame L10s Pro: Price and availability The Dreame L10s Pro is one of the best cleaning robots in its class with its flawless suction and wiping performance. It offers the same performance as the NextPit test winner L10s Ultra (for the test), which costs more than 1,000 euros, and is in no way inferior to the top model in terms of functionality. Thanks to LiDAR sensors, mapping and navigation work perfectly even in the dark, and map management works largely smoothly. So what's missing? Compared to the top model, the main thing is the convenience that the suction station with the tanks brings. Only the carpet edges, which were regularly slightly damp in the test, spoil the overall impression somewhat - but if you're worried about the expensive thread on the floor, there's an option in the app to avoid carpets. But it's also practical for owners of a Xiaomi smart home ecosystem: the Dreame L10s Pro can also be integrated into the Xiaomi app. Unboxing and setup The Dreame L10s Pro is ready to go in just five minutes - from unpacking and setting up the station to setting up the vacuum robot in the app. Mapping, setting up the maps and setting up the cleaning routines takes a little longer, but it also works perfectly. Pleases: Setting up is quick and easy supports Dreame and Xiaomi app chic and well made Dislike: no surveillance camera function The Dreame L10s Pro is ready to go in just a few seconds straight out of the box: plug in the brush, plug in the station, place the vacuum robot in the station, and you're done. That's enough for the first mapping, and for the first complete cleaning process we then fill the tank with water and insert the two rotating mops. Mapping is quick and easy. The robot drives along all the walls and creates a complete floor plan of the apartment in just a few minutes. There is no option for 3D scans like on the big brother L10s Ultra, but these have so far been of little use in practice. You also have the option of setting individual intensities for each room. For example, the L10s Pro always cleans the kitchen with extra moisture and always with two cleaning passes. In the guest room with carpet, on the other hand, it only vacuums once and does not mop at all. Of course, the app also offers an option for setting up cleaning schedules. Then, for example, the robot vacuums whenever you are in the office - and leaves you in peace on home office days and at the weekend. Another difference to the much more expensive L10s Ultra is the lack of a surveillance camera function. The L10s Pro does have a camera built in, but cannot transmit the live image to the app. You can control the robot vacuum using the arrow keys in the app, but that is enough to annoy the cats at best. Speaking of control: You can also control the L10s Pro using Alexa, Google Assistant and Siri. In theory, this works with Alexa using the corresponding skill, but it didn't work properly in the test. If, for example, you left a lot of crumbs at breakfast, you can use spot cleaning to get the L10s Pro to vacuum around the dining table. Suction and wiping performance tested The Dreame L10s Pro cleans reliably – not least thanks to the numerous setting options in the app, with which you can set the cleaning intensity separately for each area in your home. Pleases: wipes and vacuums really thoroughly great battery life Dislike: Mop pads dry very slowly no extraction station included The Dreame L10s Pro offers the same wiping and suction power as its big brother, the L10s Ultra, but costs about half as much without the station. While you sacrifice comfort, you get the full cleaning performance of Dreame's current top model. The cleaning robot thoroughly vacuums up crumbs, dust, lint and hair even in standard mode. The rubber slatted brush on the underside occasionally ate a charging cable during testing, but was otherwise relatively tangle-resistant. The wiping function of the L10s Pro is also top-notch. The two rotating mop pads scrub away footprints, tomato sauce, etc. much better than the wiping cloths that other vacuum robots simply drag behind them. Another advantage: The L10s Pro can raise its two mops by seven millimeters when it drives over carpets, thus keeping them dry. This works very well, at least with short-pile carpets. If you have particularly expensive carpets, you can also activate a carpet avoidance mode in the app. Unfortunately, the L10s Pro cannot be compared to the Ultra model in terms of comfort. Although the Pro model also cleans really well, you should remove the two mop pads after each cleaning and let them dry separately. If you leave them hanging under the robot, they will start to smell over time - a parking design that ensures air circulation under the mop pads would have helped here. The two tanks for water and dust also need regular attention. The 190 milliliter water tank needs to be filled up regularly. At least: As soon as the tank is empty, the vacuum robot lets you know and reliably continues the cleaning process after it has been filled up. The dust container holds 450 milliliters - in the test, this was enough for two to five cleaning cycles, depending on the level of dirt and the amount of carpet/lint. You don't have to worry about the battery life. In the test, the Dreame L10s Pro used about 40 percent of its battery capacity to vacuum and mop 51 square meters of space in 69 minutes. Roughly speaking, this means that you can clean 120 square meters of space with one battery charge. Final verdict The bottom line is that the Dreame L10s Pro is a really good vacuum and mop robot in the upper price range - if you consider cleaning robots without a station. And that's exactly where the crux of the matter lies: for a recommended retail price of 599 euros, the vacuum robot requires a relatively large amount of manual work. The dust tank needs to be emptied regularly, the water tank needs to be filled, and the mop pads need to be removed to dry. Source: Dreame L10s Pro in the test: great vacuum robot with only one flaw | NextPit
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The most important factors when choosing the perfect cordless wet and dry vacuum cleaner

The most important factors when choosing the perfect cordless wet and dr...

In recent years, cordless wet and dry vacuums have become increasingly popular due to their powerful suction and cordless portability. However, with so many different options on the market, it can be difficult to choose the right one for your specific needs. In this blog post, we'll give you some tips on choosing the best cordless wet and dry vacuum, including factors like battery life, suction power, and weight. 1. Consider your specific cleaning needs Before you start shopping for a cordless wet and dry vacuum, it's important to consider your specific cleaning needs. Do you need a vacuum primarily for cleaning your car, or are you looking for a versatile tool that can handle a variety of cleaning tasks around your home or workshop? The answers to these questions will help you narrow down your options and find a vacuum that meets your needs. 2. Battery life Battery life is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing a cordless wet and dry vacuum. You want a vacuum with a battery that will last long enough to clean your space without the need for frequent charging. Look for vacuums with batteries that offer at least 20 to 30 minutes of run time per charge. Also consider the battery's charging time and whether there are any quick-charge options. 3. Suction power The suction power of a cordless wet and dry vacuum is another important factor to consider. The more powerful the suction, the better the vacuum will be at picking up dirt, debris, and spills. Look for vacuums with at least 20 air watts of suction, although more powerful options are available if you need them. 4. Weight The weight of the cordless wet and dry vacuum is another deciding factor, especially if you plan on using the vacuum for an extended period of time. A lightweight vacuum is easier to maneuver and carry around, which reduces fatigue and strain on your arms and shoulders. Look for vacuums that weigh less than 5 pounds but still offer powerful suction and good battery life. 5. Accessories Many cordless wet and dry vacuums come with a range of accessories and attachments that can help you clean hard-to-reach areas or complete specific cleaning tasks. Check the accessories included and make sure they meet your cleaning needs. Some useful accessories include crevice tools for tight spaces, brush attachments for delicate surfaces, and upholstery attachments for cleaning upholstered furniture or car seats. Overall, there are many factors to consider when choosing the best cordless wet and dry vacuum for your needs. By considering your specific cleaning needs, battery life, suction power, weight, accessories, and brand and customer reviews, you can ensure you find a vacuum that meets your expectations.
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Dreame H12 Pro vs. Proscenic F20: Wet and dry vacuum cleaner in the test

Dreame H12 Pro vs. Proscenic F20: Wet and dry vacuum cleaner in the test

Floor care in one go: The wet and dry vacuum cleaners from Dreame and Proscenic both do a good job. But there are differences in the details. If you live on hard floors that often need to be wet cleaned, you have a lot to do. The classic way: vacuuming up the loose dirt and dust and then wiping it down with a bucket of water and a cloth. No fun. Wet and dry vacuum cleaners promise to make things much easier: They are equipped with a soft roller brush that is constantly moistened with water during operation. This means they vacuum and wipe in one go. They can also absorb spilled liquids. So if you drop your cereal bowl on the floor, the mishap is quickly remedied. So much for the theory. Our test of two current models clarifies what it looks like in practice: the Dreame H12 Pro for 549 euros and the Proscenic F20 for 399 euros. The online prices are usually lower than the recommended retail price. Almost identical in basic structure As with robot vacuum cleaners, the two test models are very similar in most details. Both come with a self-cleaning station, which is also used for charging. Both come with a spare brush, a spare filter, a cleaning agent and a small hand brush to clean the dirty water tank. In both cases, the forward movement is supported by motor power during operation, which makes handling the rather heavy devices much easier. Dreame H12 Pro: better material quality The price difference between Dreame and Proscenic is immediately noticeable in the workmanship. The Dreame H12 Pro is more stylish, the style and handle are made of high-quality, smooth material, while everything on the Proscenic is a little rougher and less valuable. The plug connections on the Dreame also run more smoothly, for example when covering the waste water tank or changing the brushes. Both are easy to set up: fill the fresh water tank at the back of the device (Dreame: 900 ml, Proscenic: 1000 ml), charge the vacuum cleaner, and you're ready to go. The Dreame offers three cleaning modes: Automatic, Ultra and the suction mode for liquid absorption, which is used on wet floors. Proscenic offers four modes: Smart, Max, water absorption and sterilization. According to the manual, the F20 creates a sterilization solution in the latter - the Proscenic uses UV lights in the charging station for this. The lights are also activated during self-cleaning. We cannot judge whether this is of any use. Switching is done via buttons on the handle, which is confirmed by voice. This is set to English at the factory, but can be switched to German. The two displays show the selected mode. As well as the battery level. How well does the floor cleaning work? Both candidates did very well on the cleaning tour: vacuuming and wiping worked perfectly. Even floors covered in a lot of dirt such as lettuce shreds, grains and hair were sparkling clean after the test. Both devices also cleaned up spilled liquids with coarse particles (such as milk with oat flakes) without leaving any residue in the appropriate mode. They drive directly along edges on both sides and clean right up to the edge. Once the work is done, you place the devices in the base and start the self-cleaning function. This rinses out the brush with high rotation and cleans the inlet to the waste water tank. With the Dreame H12 Pro, the brush is then dried with hot air (up to 55 degrees) so that no mold or odors can form. Within an hour and a half, the job is done and the brush is really dry - great! Dreame recommends replacing the brush every time, which is easy thanks to the fold-out handle. Proscenic is weak when drying The Proscenic can't keep up here: the brush is rinsed clean, but it takes ages to dry. We stopped after more than two hours and pulled a wet brush out of the device. We prefer air drying, which is no problem thanks to the two brushes. However, changing the brush is more difficult, you have to pull hard to release the roller - the fact that the device is on the floor doesn't make things any easier. The replacement brush then prevented the lock from closing. The solution to the puzzle: the rod is protected by a cover that has to be removed first. No problem, you just have to know. You should also put the Proscenic on the charging station immediately after use, otherwise in the test it left a narrow wet strip on the floor. How long does the battery last? Battery-operated wet and dry vacuum cleaners are not long-term runners; the mechanism that rotates the wet brush requires too much power. Neither model can run for more than half an hour in auto mode. They just about managed our test area of ​​around 80 square meters with one charge. Both displays provide information on the battery level in percentage. Conclusion: Price question Both candidates do their job as floor cleaners very well. They are easy to control and clean seamlessly right up to the edges. Nevertheless, the Dreame H12 Pro comes out on top in the comparison test. Why? Because it is better made, uses higher quality materials and offers an effective drying function. In return, it is significantly more expensive than the Proscenic F20. So if you want more comfort, you pay more. If you want to save money, the Proscenic F20 is a good choice. Source: https://www.connect.de/testbericht/dreame-h12-pro-vs-proscenic-f20-test-nass-trocken-sauger-3203229.html
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Dreame card moved, twisted, broken – these are the reasons!

Dreame card moved, twisted, broken – these are the reasons!

Fortunately, the shifting or twisting of the map created by a Dreame vacuum robot rarely occurs. However, I have experienced cases where the robot simply destroyed the map for no apparent reason. But why does the Dreame do this? Dreame card moved, twisted, broken – these are the reasons! It is usually unexpected situations that cause a Dreame vacuum robot to ruin the map it has created. Many factors can play a role. I have looked into the topic and would like to show you in this article why a Dreame vacuum robot simply twists, moves or destroys the saved map. Possible causes and appropriate solutions Here I will give you an overview of the most common reasons for a twisted or broken card. Of course, there is a solution for this. The charging station was placed incorrectly Cause : The most common mistake is actually placing the charging station incorrectly from the start. If you don't leave enough space for the robot and squeeze it into a tight niche, it could see objects and walls at an angle right from the start. Placing it in the middle of the room or against a slanted wall is also not beneficial. The robot will quickly create a slanted map. Solution : Place the charging station so that it is against a straight wall and at least 50 cm away from any furniture or objects on either side. The robot also needs space in front of the station to be able to dock reliably. The distance in front of the station should therefore be at least 1 m. The sensors of the vacuum robot are dirty Cause : Over time and after many cleanings, the Dreame may become dirty. Fine dust can penetrate deep into the sensors and disable them or block them to the point that the robot becomes completely confused. Solution : Take care of your Dreame. As soon as the robot is dirty, it should be cleaned. In very dirty households, this can happen after just 3 days, in other households only after 1-2 weeks. Free the robot of dust and dirt and carefully clean all sensors. The Dreame gets stuck during cleaning Cause : Every cleaning can bring its own dangers. If the Dreame robot vacuum cleaner has difficulty on raised surfaces such as doorsteps or high carpets, it can quickly get stuck. It always tries to free itself when it gets stuck and this can lead to the map becoming twisted. Likewise, sagging fabrics under sofas can block the robot and ultimately cause the map to shift. Solution : If you have problems, watch the cleaning process closely. If you notice that the Dreame is having trouble with a particular spot, then remove the danger spot. If the door threshold is too high, it is a good idea to install a ramp. If there is hanging fabric under the sofa, it usually helps to cut it out from under the couch or to equip the couch with new, higher legs. The Dreame detects floor-to-ceiling windows & mirrors Cause : A floor-to-ceiling mirror or even a floor-to-ceiling window turns out to be a new room for the laser unit on the robot. This fake room is created because the emitted laser beam can no longer be captured. The Dreame therefore thinks that there is a new room there that it cannot reach. However, it will map the room and this can lead to other rooms being overlapped. Solution : All you can do is tape the lower part of the mirror or window or cover it in some other way so that the laser is not directed into oblivion. Today, there are beautiful decorative glass films that imitate a matte sandblasted surface. The vacuum robot detects chrome-plated or reflective objects Cause : In this case too, a reflective or chrome-plated surface can cause the laser beam to be deflected. This has already happened to me with a chrome-plated laundry basket. The laser is deflected by the reflective surface and is no longer picked up by the Dreame. This can cause the map to shift because it is completely confused and lacks the information. Solution : Remove any chrome or mirrored items. If you have mirrored furniture legs, tape them off or replace them with others. The Dreame is lifted during cleaning Cause : Another common reason why the map is shifted is if the robot is suddenly lifted up during cleaning. The Dreame follows a pre-planned path through your home. If it is interrupted unexpectedly, it can confuse the robot vacuum and lead to a twisted map. Solution : Never lift your Dreame while it is cleaning. Switch it off using the controls before lifting it and thus prevent further cleaning. Simply pausing the cleaning is sufficient. I hope I was able to help you with your problem with the moved map. If that is the case, I would be happy to receive a comment. If that is not the case, then please write in the comments. Maybe I can help you then. If you would like to read more interesting articles about robot vacuum cleaners, then take a look HERE. Source: Dreame card moved, twisted, broken - these are the reasons! (smarthomeassistent.de)
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Xiaomi, Dreame & Roborock models: tests, reviews & prices

Xiaomi, Dreame & Roborock models: tests, reviews & prices

Dreame D10 Plus - Affordable vacuum robot with suction station If you are looking for a vacuum robot with a suction station but don't want to spend too much money, the Dreame D10 Plus is the best option. The model already comes with a suction station and still costs less than 400 euros (as of 12/2022). Thanks to the suction station, the manufacturer promises 45 days of suction power without the owners having to do anything themselves. Emptying the vacuum itself is completed in just 10 seconds. Laser LiDAR technology is used for navigation. This helps the robot to move through the apartment in a targeted manner and effectively detects and avoids obstacles. This means that cleaning the apartment is completed more quickly and the robot can measure a 100 square meter apartment precisely in just 8 minutes. The suction power is 4,000 Pa and the model's battery is an impressive 5,200 mAh. This means it can vacuum continuously for up to 170 minutes. A wiping function is also on board and the water tank required for this holds 150 milliliters. The dust container of the Dreame D10 Plus holds 400 milliliters. Dreame D10 Plus – important tests and reviews In the Dreame D10 Plus test by connect.de, the vacuum cleaner achieved the grade "very good". The laser navigation and the suction station were particularly well received in the test. (As of: 06/2022) The model was also convincing in the inside-digital.de Dreame D10 Plus test and received praise above all for its very good price-performance ratio. (As of: 06/2022) On Amazon, customers rated the Dreame D10 Plus 4.2 out of 5 stars. (As of 12/2022) Dreame L10 Pro - Affordable vacuum robot on offer The Dreame L10 Pro vacuum robot has a very high suction power of 4,000 Pa and can therefore effectively remove dirt and dust and also clean carpets thoroughly. A total of 4 different suction levels are available, so that the right mode can always be set depending on the type of floor or carpet. In addition to the suction function, the Dreame L10 Pro is also able to mop the floor. A 270 milliliter water tank and a microfiber cloth are used for this. The vacuum cleaner's dust container has a capacity of 570 milliliters. Instead of driving around the apartment randomly, this model uses laser obstacle detection to orient itself. This means that the entire apartment is measured and the vacuum cleaner can drive through all areas in a targeted manner. When fully charged, the battery of the vacuum robot lasts for 150 minutes and the device automatically returns to the station when the battery is running low. When in use, the vacuum cleaner is less than 70 decibels loud, so it is not too disturbing when working in the home office. Dreame L10 Pro – important tests and reviews In our Dreame L10 Pro test, we were able to recommend the vacuum cleaner. The long running time and the large battery were particularly positive. (Status: 11/2021) The Dreame L10 Pro test by chip.de resulted in a grade of "good" (1.7). The wiping function, price and navigation were praised while the suction power was criticized. (As of: 02/2022) On Amazon, customers rated the Dreame L10 Pro 4.4 out of 5 stars. (As of 12/2022) Source: The best Xiaomi vacuum robots in the test comparison (homeandsmart.de)
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Dreame Bot W10 vacuum robot: Only on offer for a few hours at Cyberport

Dreame Bot W10 vacuum robot: Only on offer for a few hours at Cyberport

The Dreame Bot W10 vacuum robot is currently on offer at Cyberport. Find out here whether this household helper is the right one for you. If you want to save more time around the house, you should take a look at the current deal from Cyberport, where the Dreame Bot W10 vacuum robot is offered at a low price until January 6th. The vacuum robot not only gets rid of dust on its own, but also has a wiping function. The self-cleaning station further minimizes the amount of work you have to do. The device can be controlled via a remote control as well as via the Xiaomi Home app, Alexa and Google Assistant. If you are interested in a vacuum robot but are not sure whether the Dreame Bot W10 is the right one, we have the best alternatives for you in our Robot vacuum cleaner comparison compiled. You currently pay 549 euros for the Dreame Bot W10 vacuum robot at Cyberport, less than at other sellers. Deal tip: You can find similar offers in our Purchase advisors to Robot vacuum cleaner and cyberport . Source: https://www.netzwelt.de/schnaeppchen/212201-dreame-bot-w10-saugroboter-nur-wenige-stunden-cyberport-angebot.html
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